JediCast Live: Filme als Bücher – Wer braucht das noch?

CCON | COMIC CON STUTTGART 2023 | GALACTIC CANTINA | JediCast Live: Filme als Bücher - wer braucht das noch? - Ines Leitz & Tobias Götz

In the age of Disney+, Star Wars movies and series are available on demand and can be consumed as often as desired. Who would still read a novel or a comic that retells the story of the film? Nevertheless, adaptations of current Star Wars productions are very popular over the counter. So what is their added value? Is there even a need for them in the modern media world? What can an adaptation do and where are the challenges? Ines and Tobias from Jedi-Bibliothek will discuss this in a JediCast LIVE and look forward to your participation!

Moderation: Ines Leitz and Tobias Götz

Duration: 30 minutes (in German language)


JediCast LIVE

The JediCast is your podcast for Star Wars literature and brings exactly that to the stage of the GALACTIC CANTINA! Whether it’s canon or Legends, comics or novels, we discuss all sorts of things from the Star Wars galaxy on a bi-weekly basis. In our editions under the label “Ausgelesen” (Selected) we focus on individual literary works, while in the so-called “Ratssitzungen” (Council Sessions) we take a look at entire literary projects, but also discuss Star Wars outside of literature in the form of series, films and video games.

Sources & additional links for JediCast Live: Filme als Bücher – Wer braucht das noch?:

Website (JediCast),

Website (Jedi-Bibliothek),







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