Der Italiener Pasquale Qualano hat an vielen Ausgaben der beliebten Grimm Fairy Tales gearbeitet und auch das irre Wonderland floss schon aus seiner Feder. Für die […]
Das AVP Universe Germany ist die größte und aktivste deutschsprachige Community von Fans der Predator- und Alienfilme. Den Kern bildet der Predator Clan, der als Kostümmgruppe […]
Rebekah Isaacs is a comics illustrator best known for “Buffy the Vampire Slayer“, “Angel & Faith” & “DV8:Gods & Monsters” She lives in NYC and loves […]
Calssara is a cosplayer from Germany who loves to cosplay since 2004. She was Germany’s representative for World Cosplay Summit (WCS) in 2009 and 2011. Also […]
Stephanie Gladden Die Zeichnerin aus Atlanta hat bereits für viele Verlage gearbeitet, unter anderem auch für DC Comics. Sie gehört aber insbesondere zu den „Simpsons Comics“-Urgesteinen. […]
Falk Hentschel, also known as Hawkman from the DC universe, is coming to Stuttgart for Comic Con Germany in July 2017. Falk Hentschel made his acting […]
Yaya Han discovered cosplay in 1999, when it was still a small, quirky section of the geekfandom. While Yaya had virtually no knowledge of sewing or […]
US American Phil Noto is an artist who has nearly done everything. He worked for every major studio and has drawn literally every known character. Right […]
What do Arrow and Doctor Who have in common? Exactly! John Barrowman. Meet the all-rounder at Comic Con Germany in Stuttgart in July! John can currently […]
Alongside Michael Biehn, his wife Jennifer Blanc-Biehn, best known for her role in Dark Angel, is coming to Comic Con Germany in July 2017. Jennifer Blanc-Biehn, […]