Therica Wilson-Read

CCON | COMIC CON STUTTGART 2022 | Stargast | Therica Wilson-Read

Appearance: On all convention days
Autograph: EUR 25,00  -  Photosession: EUR 30,00

Above options are not included in the regular admission price. Appearance of actors are subject to work commitment.

Order above additional offers here   Order an autograph via Send-in-Service

You are not able to join CCON | COMIC CON STUTTGART, you are too busy or on vacation, but although you wanna get an autograph of your beloved actor? For that we invented our Send-in-Service. In our nerd shop - The Space Store - you can either order a standard autograph on a high-gloss photo, or you can send us your item (photo, poster, book, DVD, etc.) and we will have it signed by the star at the event.

With Therica Wilson-Read we welcome another actress from the Netflix series The Witcher at CCON | COMIC CON STUTTGART 2022.

The London-born actress embodies the role of Sabrina.

Sabrina Glevissig of Ard Carraigh is one of the most notable sorceresses and an advisor to King Henselt. Moreover, Sabrina is a person from the Lodge of Sorceresses. She is considered to be the sorceress who occasionally judges ruthlessly and quickly.

Sources & additional links for Therica Wilson-Read:

IMDb, Instagram, Twitter


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